Think Globally Act Locally


We are an ambitious non-profit organization, based in the ward of Bowbrook. This group was created to spread the word of our good deeds and encourage others to get involved and support one another through their efforts.

We have a simple drive for a cleaner community as well as Great Britain.

But we are not reluctant to acknowledge that Rome wasn’t built in a day and these things take time. So we have made goals for ourselves. Our goals are simple at the end of the day, being; – Starting with a clean and tidy community and then slowly expand to other community’s around our local area of Shrewsbury. – Push for the local council to expand its environment budget to benefit the requirements needed by the British public. – Push for the local council to get a better understanding of the littering issue we are having and for them to focus more time and effort upon dealing with the issue. – More bins in shorter distances of each other to provide for the British public. – To provide awareness to the British public and to the youth of today so they can have an understanding of littering being a burden on society.

Asking for volunteers As a non-profit organization we struggle for helping hands, their fore we can only ever ask for volunteers to help us. We do not ask you to sign anything or pay for anything. All we ask you to do is next time you go out on a walk, take some gardening gloves and a bag with you. Pick up a few chocolate bar wrappers or plastic bottles. We would never ask you to pick up dirty needles or broken glass and highly advise you not to. The best thing in that situation is to report it to the council or if you have a litter picker (the name for the litter picking stick) is that you use that. But it also goes without saying don’t do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. No one should ever be at threat of harm. So if this group feels like something you wish to be involved with we have different styles of joining with it being



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We hope you enjoy what we have to offer and wish this can be comforting for you. Hope to hear from you soon.

Joe Dyas Founder Think Globally, Act Locally


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☣️ Masks being littered/Biohazard ☣️. For more than many reasons, you shouldn’t litter and especially your facial masks. 😷 To name a few; it’s unhygienic, dangerous, illegal, and very importantly a biohazard. 🧫 I myself do go litter picking as some of you may know and...

Cleaner Streets

The group has been active for a month now. we are starting to see a difference in the cleanliness of our streets particularly around Bowbrook and Gains Park (Welshpool Road still needs some work, but the council are due to do that) So its safe to say we are making...

Severn Hospice

We gathered an unbelievable amount of litter for a road leading up to a charitable organization.  even bailey's bottles,   who=os living the Donald Trump lifestyle down her?  🤣  seriously though, we found carrier bags beer tins brandy bottles plastic waste...
Joe Dyas

Joe Dyas

Group Founder

 Think Globally Act Locally founder of the organization and still an active member of the group today. Joe first created the group after walking to the shop one morning and became unhappy with the littering which he came across on his walk. This is also one of the reasons which gave Joe the drive to go into local politics. So he could speak up for his local community and speak about the issues which are acquiring at the local council meetings. Joe is currently a running candidate for the ward of Bowbrook representing the Reform UK party and due to be in the local election on May 6th, 2021. He is a very active member of our society and is always trying his best to find ways to improve our community he loves so much.
Chris Webster

Chris Webster

First Member and Web Designer and technician

Chris was the first outside member to join Think globally, act locally, and played an instrumental part in helping set up the organization. He is the individual who got this very website set up and running. He also plays a big part in the organization’s social media.